number = 14 question.1=How much 2+3 ? response.1=5 question.2=Write the number 10 with lowercase letters response.2=ten question.3=Write the number 15 with lowercase letters response.3=fifteen question.4=Write the number 20 with lowercase letters response.4=twenty question.5=Write the number 30 with lowercase letters response.5=thirty question.6=What is the color of the Napoléon's white horse? response.6=white question.7=What is the capital of England ? response.7=London question.8=How much do 5 plus 3 response.8=8 question.9=How much do 2 times 3 response.9=6 question.10=How much do 5 minus 2 response.10=3 question.11=How much do 8 divided by 4 response.11=2 question.12=What is the firstname of Jules Verne ? response.12=Jules question.13=What is the year when the first world war 14-18 has began ? response.13=1914 question.14=Write the number fifty three response.14=53